Casting Point – SIMET


Purpose:Determination of the surface tension of the solution using the stalagmometer method
Kratki opis metode:The stalagmometer is a pipette of a certain volume from which the liquid expires through the capillary. The method of the stalagmometer is an indirect method because the surface tension of an unknown fluid is determined by means of a fluid with known surface tension (usually water). It is used to measure the size of the capping drops. Drops are counting during the draining of the solution drops contained in a given volume of stalagmometer between the two end marks x1 and x 2 . By means of data on surface tension of water, the number of drops of water and the test solution, the water density and the test solution density surface tension of the tested solution can be calculated.
Tip i priprava uzorka:Solutions
Laboratory:Laboratory for chemistry, hydrometallurgy and corrosion testing
  • Assoc. Prof. Anita Begić Hadžipašić, PhD
    T: +385 44 533 379

  • Sandra Brajčimović, mag.eng.met.
    T: +385 44 533 379

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