Casting Point – SIMET


Manufacturer and type:AMETEK, PARSTAT 2273
Purpose:Electrochemical measurements. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of metallic materials in various solutions.
Kratki opis metode:Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is based on the AC power and circuit current response to the AC voltage or the AC current as an AC frequency function. The EIS provides valuable informations such as electrolyte resistance, double layer thickness, charge transfer resistance at the solution/electrode phase boundary, constant phase element of double-layer associated with adsorption, desorption, diffusion, etc. The obtained results are analyzed using ZSIMPWin 3.21 software using the appropriate electric circuit models.
Tehničke značajke:- 2 A current maximum (20 A boosted) - 100 V compliance - 1.2 fA current resolution - >10 13 input impedance (typical) - < 5 pF of capacitance (typical) - 10 µHZ to 1MHZ built-in analyzer for impedance Power: 600 W
Standard:EN ISO 16673-1: Paints and varnishes-Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on high-impedance coated specimens-Part 1: Terms and sefinitions (ISO 16773-1:2007; EN ISO 16773-1: 2007) EN ISO 16673-2: Paints and varnishes-Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on high-impedance coated specimens-Part 2: Collection of data (ISO 16773-2:2007; EN ISO 16773-2: 2007)
Tip i priprava uzorka:Metallographically prepared solid metal samples
Laboratory:Laboratory for chemistry, hydrometallurgy and corrosion testing
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