Casting Point – SIMET

Höppler’s viscometer

Purpose:Determination of the dynamic viscosity of the solution
Kratki opis metode:Höppler's viscometer is used to determine the dynamic viscosity of liquids and is based on the application of Stokes law. When a body falls through a liquid, then the resistance it provides to the fluid depends on the rate of fall and the body's diameter, but also on the viscosity coefficient of the fluid. The Höppler's viscometer measures the time required for ball of a certain size and weight to fall from a certain mark X to the mark Y in a device for measuring the viscosity. The viscosity coefficient can be calculated based on the time value obtained, the constant of the ball in the device and the density of ball and liquid.
Tip i priprava uzorka:Solutions
Laboratory:Laboratory for chemistry, hydrometallurgy and corrosion testing
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