Casting Point – SIMET

Dilatometer contract signed
Dilatometer contract signed
Representatives of NovaCast Systems AB from Sweden held a training
Representatives of NovaCast Systems AB from Sweden held a training
The urgent repairs have started
The urgent repairs have started
19th International Foundrymen Conference
19th International Foundrymen Conference
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The project “CENTER FOR FOUNDRY – SIMET” is funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020. within the call “Investing in organizational reform and infrastructure in the sector of research, development and innovation” KK.

Project value

55.992.012,46 HRK

Acceptable expenses

44.061.083,08 HRK

Co-financed by EU:

44.061.083,08 HRK

The project goal:
creation of scientific infrastructure as well as creation and improvement of modern scientific research capacities for research, development and innovation (IRI) in the field of development of materials and technologies in the field of metallurgy in the Republic of Croatia and Europe.

Project duration:

February 1st 2019 till July 31st 2023


8. June 2022.

Dilatometer contract signed

19. May 2022.

Representatives of NovaCast Systems AB from Sweden held a training

16. May 2022.

The urgent repairs have started

All the news

From media

A contract has been signed for the rebuilding of part of the Faculty of Metallurgy

University of Zagreb

Metalurški fakultet provodi važan infrastrukturni projekt “Castingpoint – SIMET”

044 Portal

Renovation of the Foundry Center in Sisak begins

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Casting Point 2025 - All rights reserved web: Viktor